I have nothing to tell you, readers. No news to report at all. Nothing. Terribly sorry!
So why don't you all tell me something? It's quite easy and virtually painless...
In the comments section, take thirty seconds and tell me this:
Who is your All-Time favorite New York Yankees player?
As for me, there are many, but if I really had to choose, I would have to say that my favorites are Joe Girardi and Tino Martinez. Considering they're both gone from the team, though, Mike Mussina and Bernie Williams are my favorite current Yankees, no doubt about it.

Constantino Martinez.
Let me know your favorites and I'll be back with news whenever it comes my way!
Lara Marie**
Mike Mussina, for countless reasons ;)
Bernie :)
so many to choose from: scotty brosius, paulie oneill, jimmy leyritz, coney, jeets, straw man and then going back- pags, donnie baseball, bobby rae murcer, the mick, the babe, the yankee clipper- i could go on forever but yeh- good stuff
derek jeter yo
Well there lady...as you know I am a YANKEE fan so it's really HARD for me to choose, but I'm going to have to SAY Alois Terry Leiter. He is just THE man! WOWIE. That man can THROW those strikes!! Now you know. Bye lay-d
Do you know the Muffin Man? Well, the Muffin Man and myself were partners in "sheff"-ery. For many years. You may wonder what the term "sheff"-ery actually means. Well, we're not pastry chefs as you may have thought, but we are actually first class Gary Sheffield experts. So as you may have gathered by now Derek Jeter is in fact my favorite player. Just joshin'. Jorge Posada...is not the Muffin Man, but my favorite player. Haha. Just joshin'. No, Bubba Crosby is the Muffin Man and together we have observed our favorite Yankee...Gary Sheffield
Haha there are some crazy people replying to this post... But I realized I didn't mention my favorite ACTIVE and current Yankee, since poor Tino is gone :(
But my favorite now, like you Jana, is definitely Mike Mussina and Bernie Williams, similar to Anonymous-8:52!
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