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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Birthday Wishes

I apologize once again for my lack of updates. Expect a lot more posts after this weekend. My summer class ends tomorrow and I will be working with Joe Buck and HBO for the first installment of Joe Buck Live (Monday, June 15th at 9:00 p.m.). After that, I'm all yours!

As for now, on my birthday, there is nothing I would like more than a Yankees victory.


Brian said...

happy birthday..i know it was yesterday but i didnt check it yesterday so im saying it today and the yankees have beat the red sox today and get over this mental block that they cant beat them

theMick said...

Happy Birthday! My birthday wish for you is that when the Mets play the Yankees, the Yanks win with two outs in the bottom of the ninth on some sort of bizarre play like a dropped fly ball. Hee hee hee.....

Anonymous said...

Bizarre Play! tink we got that... Walk Mo and in doing so walk in a run... toooo funny. Sorry Met fans.