Not exactly Yankee related, but I found this article quite interesting and rather amusing. Yankee fans, enjoy:
Curt Schilling
“Between the white lines, it’s all real,” says one reporter who has covered Schilling. “But outside the white lines, there’s a huge gap between the man and the image he projects.” Take, for instance, Schilling’s self-glorifying display during Congress’s steroid hearings last March or his absurdly patriotic open letter to America on ESPN.com after 9/11, for which his teammates mocked him on a late-night bus ride with a chorus of “I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy.” “They know what he’s about,” says the sportswriter. “I’d say a large percentage of them like him—every fifth day. He wears on people.”
On days he doesn’t pitch, Schilling is notorious for striking TV-ready poses on the dugout stairs. (His manager in Philadelphia, Jim Fregosi, dubbed him Red Light Curt.) “He’s somebody who’s always positioning himself in terms of what’s best for Curt Schilling,” says ESPN’s Pedro Gomez, who described Schilling as “the consummate table for one.” (Speaking of which, Schilling also has a reputation for sneaking into the clubhouse late in games to get a head start on the buffet.)
So avid is Schilling’s longing for the spotlight that some of his peers raise doubts about his now legendary turn in the 2004 postseason, when he pitched on an ankle tendon that had been sutured in place. During Game 6, cameras cut repeatedly to the bright red stain on Schilling’s sock. It was blood, right? “The Diamondbacks people think he definitely doctored that sock,” says the sportswriter. The ex-teammate laughs: “All around baseball, people questioned that. It was funny how the stain didn’t spread.”
Curt Schilling is a big-mouthed, arrogant, attention-seeking hypocrite, not to mention a member of the Boston Red Sox. I'm glad the media has stripped him of his "sainthood" and presented a more accurate picture of my own least favorite player in all of sports. And before you accuse me of hating anyone who has beaten the Yanks and wears a Boston uniform, let me tell you that I loathed the man from the moment I saw him back when he was not so talented and playing for the Phillies. Yes, Curt Schilling is now one of the premiere pitchers in the A.L. (although last season was a bit disasterous), but I can't stand him, and apparently no one else can either.
(By the way, the Top 5 Most Hated Athletes went like this: 5.) Kobe Bryant, 4.) Curt Schilling, 3.) Kurt Busch, 2.) Barry Bonds, 1.) Terrell Owens. Nothing too surprising there. AND to remain completely objective, two Yankees "Almost Made the Cut"- Randy Johnson and Alex Rodriguez. I whole-heartedly agree with putting the Big Unit on the list (God, imagine how horrible the Diamondbacks clubhouse must've been when Big Mouth and Big Unit were teammates!) but there are worse people out there than A-Rod...)
your just jealous of shilling
Anon., YOU'RE just jealous she can actually express her opinion coherently. : P
A solid editorial, Lara.. I'm just glad I'm a New York fan. : )
Just Jealous??? OH PLEASE! Have you read everything on this blogg? This girl knows her stuff. So lets not make this into a Yankees Red sox thing. She has a lot to say about a lot of people, so read with an open mind and maybe you can learn something!
How many rings do the red sox have?
Jealous? don't make me laugh!!!!
Ummm why would she be jealous of Curt Schilling?? I mean he's certainly not the best looking man in the world so she couldn't be jealous of that...and it's definitely not how many world series rings he's got...maybe its his money that she's jealous of....o and you spelled Schilling wrong mr. or mrs. anonymous... thought I'd point that out....
haha big mouth and big unit
just make aRod big head and you have a crazy awesome and humongous trio of bigness
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